Sheri's Service

Sheri's Service

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas......

Merry Christmas from the La Mar's. This Christmas is special in many ways. First, it is our first Christmas without Sheri. Christmas was always her favorite holiday. She would decorate the house, and have the Christmas music playing as soon as she could. Christmas day was always a fun and exciting time of a big breakfast together, reading the story of the birth of Jesus, and of course, presents for the kids. I knew when Sheri passed, that I needed to change things up for Christmas. I chose to take us to Hawaii. Not to run away, but to make it different. Today was a very full day. We opened no gifts today. No Tree. No music. We did read the story of Jesus birth. Today we went snorkeling with fish and turtles, took a nap, and went to the top of Mount Haleakala at 10,000' and watched the sunset.
We took time to reflect, respect, honor, and reminisce about Christmas past.....laughing, crying, and missing where we have been. We also took time to live life, which is exactly what Sheri would have wanted us to do. That is the most honoring thing we can do.
Today we looked back on the events that have shaped us into who we are, we enjoyed today and lived it fully, and we pulled up our boots....looked the future square in the eye, and took a step forward, knowing God wants good for us....
Thank you all for all the love, support, prayers, and grace.

Merry Christmas
Looking up!

Brett, Alyssa, and Bryce

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I thought I should post, since I have not in a while. Thanksgiving is here, so in that vain, I thought I should write where we are, and what I am thankful for.

First, I am thankful for Jesus, and what He did on the cross! I am thankful for His grace, because I have needed every measure of it I could get the last several months, and I will continue to pray for my quota everyday....

I am thankful for two wonderful, healthy children. Who miss their mother, but have learned to navigate life with a single dad at the helm. I am thankful for their grace with me as well.

I am thankful for a supportive bunch of friends and a loving supportive family.....who have loved me. Bryce, and Alyssa in our grief, and now in our healing.

I am thankful for 21 years. 21 years that I was blessed to have known Sheri. My life is forever changed by her. Her grace for me was overflowing. Her love for me until the end. I will forever love her, and I will never forget her and what she meant to me. I look forward to our reunion in heaven some day.

I am thankful that God wants good for me and my kids....looking into the future with hope and curiosity as to what that might bring....knowing that He has my back. He has brought us this far...I will trust Him with my future.

Alyssa and Bryce are doing well in school. They are looking forward to basketball and skiing this winter. At Christmas we are all three headed to Hawaii. It is a place Sheri always wanted all of us to go, so we are going. Thanks again for all of your prayers and support....and grace too! As we make our way into the future, and our new life as a family, we will need those prayers and grace to draw upon.

Looking Up,
Brett, Alyssa, Bryce

Friday, September 9, 2011

The comfort of a schedule.....

Well....summer is over. School started for the kids last week, and they are excited to be back. I think for all of us the comfort of having a schedule is nice. We kept ourselves busy this summer with lots of trips up lake to the cabin in Lucerne, days at Slidewaters with friends, time at Mill Bay Resort, and a fun trip to Silverwood to boot. Our house suffered from lack of cleaning and is just now getting back in shape from us being gone so much. It was good to stay busy...Sheri would have wanted it that way.

How are we doing? I get that question a lot. You tell me..... Do we miss Sheri?....of course. The minute by minute pain has subsided to an ache now. I miss her gentle spirit, her loving companionship, our talks in the morning and at night, the notes she would leave me on my desk at work. I miss her touch, her laying next to me in bed, her cooking (this is big for the kids!). I miss sharing my life with her....this is what I miss most of all. It makes me sad to know she won't get to see our children grow to be adults. To see them graduate, or get married, or have kids of their own some day. That we won't get to cruise the San Juans after we retire like we thought we would do. That we won't build that house that we wanted to up on our property where her garden is. All this adds to the ache. How are we doing? You tell me.

At the end of this month, I start a class on grief down in Wenatchee. I'm looking forward to learning some new things to help me in my journey.

The other day I watched the movie "UP" with the kids. I hadn't seen it in a couple of years...since right after mom passed away. When I saw it the first time, I thought of mom and made me sad. I must have forgotten how sad it made me, because it was like I watched it again for the first time....this time it was about Sheri and I. How can a cartoon stir so much emotion? The scene that hit me most was when he opened up her adventure book and saw all the pictures she had put in there of their lives together and she wrote to him this: Thanks for the great adventure! Now go out and have a new one.

Sheri and I had those same conversations. She would tell me these things through the tears of bad news from the doctors....times when it became hard to look up. We would flash our eyes to a future that might no include her. I don't like to look there for very hurt too much, and I didn't like what I saw. Now........ I live there. I know God has something good out there for Alyssa, Bryce, and I. We are on a new adventure, on an unknown gps, no co pilot.

One of the books I read this summer said this about where I am in my journey: It is as if we are chasing the sunset, running as fast as we can to make it stay. Yet, as hard as we run, it is still setting and getting darker. The fastest way to the light, is to stop and turn around and walk through the darkness behind us to the sunrise waiting on the other side.

How am I doing? I've stopped running......I'm turning around......I'm starting a new adventure......wish me luck.

Looking "UP"


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Babe.....

Today would have been Sheri's 43rd birthday. (That is tough to write). One of our favorite places to go while we were dating and first married was the top of Stormy Mountain. I'm headed up there today with three red roses...the same as I gave her after our first date...and the same that Alyssa, Bryce and I laid on her casket. I would like to write that this all is getting times it is....and others, like today...not so much. I knew this would be a tough day. Yes I still ask why, especially on days like today. But my job right now is to be a good dad, move forward every day, and keep looking up.....that is what she would have wanted me to I do.

We had the opportunity to learn from, and support each other through some pretty tough times. Whenever we got bad news, we would cry, talk it out....then tell each other to suck it up. Today is one of those days.....and I know what she would say.

See you on top of Stormy Babe....Happy Birthday. I Love You!

Keep Looking up!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I'm still here.....

Well summer is in full swing! Aubrey is doing a great job with Bryce and Alyssa. Lots of time at Slidewaters and the beach down at Mill Bay. I've been up to Lucerne (one of Sheri and my favorite places) a lot...13 days....a little part of me meets her up there every time I go. It has been two months since Sheri passed. Every morning is still hard, every night is harder. It is not an easy thing, but I'm getting through. I know there is something good out there for me and Bryce and Alyssa...we just have to wade through this really muddy section. It might take a while.

Thanks all for caring, and continuing to keep us in your prayers...we feel them. We are off to Silverwood in Idaho for a few days.....

Keep Looking Up


Thursday, June 30, 2011

A dozen roses up lake.....

A week ago the kids and I embarked on a trip up was a trip Sheri and I had planned for all of us to go on back in January. We stayed at the cabin we have in Lucerne (with Kevin and Mary Amsden), we stayed for seven days. The trip up was super rough... the roughest I've seen it...but we made it in safe and mostly sound (Bryce was worried he told me later...he asked why after he prayed it seemed to get worse...I said we made it didn't we?...he smiled and said Ya we did!....sometimes life is like that). The day after we got there we set off for Stehekin (the 17th). I had brought along a dozen long stem white roses (the symbol for purity). We placed one rose at each of our favorite spots: The cabin in Lucerne, the landing boat docks in Stehekin at our favorite boat slip, the "Be Still" cross (I added a picture and daisies there), Nick Glenn's cabin, the Bakery, Upper and Lower Rainbow Falls (we picnicked at the upper falls the day I asked her to marry me), The Ranch, and High Bridge. If you are counting that's nine. We then set off down lake for Domke Falls. Alyssa, Bryce and I each set a rose in the water off the back of the boat by the falls.

On June 20th it would have been our 19th Anniversary. 21 years ago Sheri's family invited me (we had just started dating) to join them at the Stehekin Valley Ranch for a fun weekend....we all had a blast and ate very well. Sheri's family came up to Lucernce to joint Alyssa, Bryce and I...and we all went up to the Ranch for dinner on the 20th...along with a few friends. The food was great as always (Sheri and I had planned to spend our anniversary at the I did).

It dawned on me that it has been 21 years since I have been up lake with out her. It is still one of my (and our) favorite places to we're going to the cabin again this weekend for more R and R... and fishing, and swimming, and hiking, and playing with friends, (and healing). There's a little part of me that feels a little closer to her up there...maybe because my mind is clearer. I hope to go back up a lot this year and in the future...maybe even once by myself.

Anyway, I know a lot of you have followed our journey, prayed for us, celebrated our triumphs, and mourned Sheri's passing. I thought about stopping this blog all together. After some thought I've decided that this blog has been a blessing to many, and especially to Sheri and I. I will try to blog every now and then to keep you posted on how Alyssa, Bryce and I are getting along on our new journey. I continue to thank God for the time I was blessed to spend with Sheri, and look forward to seeing her again some day....until then we will keep looking up.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Sheri's garden.....

This weekend we embarked on an ambitious project. For four years Sheri and I have owned a piece of property overlooking Manson in a development called Winesap Ridge, Sheri loved it there. She continued to dream of us building our family home on the property, and us living out our days there. She had the plans for the house in her basket by her favorite chair, and she would pull them out and ask me questions. I would do my best to explain the drawings. Then I'd draw mocked up pictures to help her "see" what it all would look like and she'd have me explain them to her....I think she just liked to make me talk with my hands and use big gestures to help illustrate things.

One of the projects we had hoped to take on this year was a garden at the entry of our property, by the old willow tree she so dearly loved, the one I've written about many times here. I put the idea out there to see where it might go after Sheri passed....she gave it wings! Thanks to all who gave plants, time, and love to this is far beyond anything we had ever dreamed of! I know she is smiling down on it....when was she not smiling? Feel free to go up and enjoy it....

Looking up,

Brett, Bryce, and Alyssa

>>> Before we started <<<

>>> After a good mow and trim <<<

>>> After all the work!!! <<<

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A great tribute to a great woman....

Thanks to all who attended Sheri's service was increadible! I am very blessed to have spent the past 21 years of my life with her by my side. Thank you as well for all the plant and flowers. We are working on trying to get Sheri's garden together at our property....I'll keep you all informed.

Looking up,


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sheri Sue La Mar (Gardner)

Sheri Sue La Mar (Gardner), 42 of Manson, victoriously crossed the finish line into the arms of her Savior Jesus Christ the morning of May 31st, 2011. She lived this life with grace, poise, humility, bravery, courage, joy, and with a beautiful smile on her face that lit up a room, and a giving heart and spirit for others. She had a gift for lifting the spirits of those around her like no other, even through difficult times in life. She was born to Roger and Sue Gardner in Tacoma on August 24th 1968. After a brief time in Bellingham, her family soon moved to the Methow valley where she attended school at Pateros and the Methow Valley Christian Academy, graduating from Pateros High School in 1987. She attended Northwest College (University) in Kirkland where she attained her degree in Elementary Education in 1992. During college, Sheri was an RA for her dormitory, helping many young girls navigate life’s many issues. In 1990 her family moved their home to Manson, where she met her future best friend and husband, Brett La Mar. The two were married on June 20th, 1992. Sheri and Brett moved home to Manson that summer from Kirkland to assist in running the family business, Lake Chelan Building Supply, due to an illness with Brett’s mother. Sheri began to substitute teach in the area schools, and attained a long term substitute job in the Lake Chelan school district before becoming a full time first grade and kindergarten teacher at Manson Elementary in 1993, where she taught until April of this year. Nearly 400 students came through her classroom over her 19 years of teaching, dubbed by her as “Mrs. La Mar’s Super Stars.” She taught each child that life has no limits, and encouraged them to strive for their dreams and aspirations, treating life’s issues as obstacles that can be overcome, not roadblocks. If God finds pleasure watching us do what we were created for, He definitely found pleasure in watching Sheri teach, she was amazing with children. Sheri and Brett where also involved in the youth ministry program at North Shore Bible Church for nearly ten years, where Sheri also taught Sunday school. In 1999, after many years of trying, Sheri and Brett were blessed with a child of their own, Alyssa Rose La Mar. Just over two years later they were blessed again with Bryce Edward La Mar. Their children brought joy, laughter, pride, and adventure into their lives. As a family they enjoy the beauty that only the Lake Chelan area can offer by boating, swimming, camping, driving in the mountains, and snowmobiling and skiing in the winters. The La Mar’s especially enjoy visiting Stehekin and Lucerne in upper Lake Chelan, making frequent trips each year. In 2007 Sheri was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer. She faced her battle with extreme courage and determination, and a strength which only comes through Jesus, and a relationship with Him.
Sheri is survived by her husband Brett of the home, as well as her two beautiful children Alyssa (11) and Bryce (9), also of the home. Her parents, Roger and Sue Gardner of Entiat, as well as her brother Bret and his wife Barb Gardner, their children, Kyrie and Kayden also of Entiat, and her grandmother Ruth Erlandsen of Brewster.
Services will be held on Tuesday June 7th at 3:30 pm at North Shore Bible Church in Manson, Wa., with a reception to follow. The family would like to plant a garden in Sheri's memory, so if you would bring potted plants that they could plant in her garden. Her favorite colors were pink and white.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My best friend......

Today I got to hold the hand of my best friend as she crossed the finish line into the arms of our Savior Jesus Christ.....please take good care of her. I thank Him for the 21 years I have known her (married 19 on June 20th), and been blessed to love, cherish, and share my life with her. The last three and a half years taught us to know that nothing is for sure in life....please don't let life pass you by...enjoy it! Many people marveled at her inner strength....she would be the first to tell you that it was not her strength you see, but Jesus. Sheri would not force Jesus down your throat, it was not her way. She chose to live her faith every day. She would want you to know her Jesus....she is with Him now.....teaching, singing, walking, organizing.....and maybe even going to Stehekin. You should know I would not trade where we've been for anything, I would do it all again for her.

I will post details of Sheri's service in the next few days.

As always....looking up!


Monday, May 30, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Time for an update.......

The original intent of this blog was to keep people informed, and to squelch the rumor mill...

You must know that we are continuing to look up, and trust God. Many of you have asked where we go from here, that's a good question, with unclear answers. Sheri's continues to fight, she finished with chemo three weeks ago, and is focused on getting well, and she's taking the rest of the school year off to do so. Every person's story is different, so trying to predict where this path leads seems irresponsible, and unproductive. Many times on here we have asked you all to look up with us....we are asking you to continue....don't look down. We've known this was a long race, for three and a half years we've battled....we are in a definite uphill section of the race. Sheri is choosing to focus on getting well, as do we all with her.....choosing to look at the jagged rocks below does us no good. We are well aware of the enemy we fight against. Many times before Sheri has defied the odds, bucked the trend, and walked proudly across the lines drawn in the sand before her. If you support her, you will continue to look up with her.

Pray for her strength, and stability. Each day we lay our situation at His feet, knowing He is God, and we are not.

Have faith and look up, even when it's hard to, and asking you to as well.

Brett and Sheri

Friday, April 22, 2011's been an interesting week.....

Sorry for the blank space here for a while. This past week was an interesting one, to say the least. Sheri has been having off and on headaches for the past few weeks. It seems to coincide with the timing of her chemo. This week the same thing happened. Her doctor had dropped one of the chemos we had thought was causing the problem. Needless to say Monday, four days after chemo, we woke up, read the bible, had coffee and toast....a normal day. Sheri started to get a headache so she decided to take a hot bath, that seems to help for a bit. A bit later she was washing her hands in the bathroom when she called out to me that she was feeling funny. I found her half way to the floor with no strength in her legs. I had her sit down...when she began to have a seizure. It lasted about five seconds. I got her to bed and immediately called her doctors. I had Sheri's Mom pick up some anti seizure medicine at the pharmacy that the doctors prescribed. She slept a while, so I went to work, her Mom with her. A few hours later she had another seizure, this one lasted a minute or we called 911.....time to go to the hospital. We traveled to Wenatchee with the lights off, as Sheri was doing better. We spent the next day in the hospital doing scans and talking to doctors. The scans came back clear, no swelling, and things looked stable. So the conclusion? Once again the chemo reacted with a few of the Gamma Knife treated spots in her brain to press and give her headaches and the seizures. She is now on anti seizure meds, and steroids to avoid a recurrence, and is no longer on chemo. Each day she is doing much better. Today she went for a massage and shopped for flowers for our yard with her Mom. Yesterday she walked a half mile on the treadmill. They put her through the ringer that's for sure.

We are continuing to look up and trust God, our Healer. One good thing is the scans showed none of the things the doctors were worried about...which is good. Thanks for the concern and support.

Looking up, and getting well!

Brett and Sheri

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sheri's Willow Tree.......

Everyone loves a good story...I like telling's a good combination! This is the story of Sheri's Willow Tree:

About four years ago we bought a piece of property just above the town of Manson, in a development call Winesap Ridge. I took Sheri up there several years before, when it first came on the market, and she fell in love with it. As fate would have it, we could not afford it at the time, it was just out of reach for the dream died, or did it? A few years passed and we were able to sell a home we had built. We happened to know the family who had bought the lot we fell in love with, so I contacted them to see what their plans were....they wanted to sell! So alas the dream of our Winesap property did come true after all, just a few years later then we thought. What drew us to the property in the first place was the amazing view, and all the trees....all kinds of trees. Firs, and pines, maple, apple, cherry, poplar, alder....and one mammoth willow tree, right at the entrance to the property. This was Sheri's favorite tree of all. Sheri envisioned a swing or a bench under her mighty flowing branched where you could whittle away a hot summer day in her shade, reading a good book with a glass of iced tea. We bought the lot just a few months before Sheri began her battle against cancer. Our plan is to build a home there for our family, but life and the economy have not allowed that to happen in our timing. Meanwhile Sheri's willow stood tall and proud at the entrance, waiting for us to join her.

The past few years have been tough on the willow tree. Many wind storms have ravished her once strong branches, ripping them from her one gale at a time. Finally this past fall, one last storm tore her final large branch from her massive trunk...her former glory was no more...or was it? We called in a professional tree trimmer to prune her back to almost nothing...not sure if she was coming back, or would be sent to the firewood pile. All winter she has stood, branch less and bare....until this spring. Hundreds of new sprouting limbs cover her trunk, with fresh budding leaves, already draping to the ground like glory days of old. Is she back? Time will tell. If this tree is anything like the owner that loves her, it's tough to keep her down for long. Maybe Sheri and her tree are more alike then we know.

Looking up,


Friday, March 18, 2011

Back in the saddle.....

We are back from the quick trip to Seattle. Sheri's doctors we very please with how she was doing. The scans showed that the spots are looking slightly smaller or are stable. This is good so soon after treatment. They tell us the full effect of the treatment is at about 8-10 weeks, and it's only been 3 1/2 weeks. They are continuing to taper her off the steroids, and told us we didn't need to come back for 6-8 weeks. So good news....thanks for the prayers.

Thanks for all the support!

Brett and Sheri

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Headed back to Seattle...

Tomorrow, Thursday, we head back to Seattle for a follow up MRI from the Gamma Knife treatment about a month ago. This scan will let the doctors know how well the treatment went. This last week was a tough one. Sheri is coming off a very heavy dose of steroids, which mess with her energy levels, both high and low. Throw in chemo, and the side effects from the Gamma Knife (tired mostly), and they all converged at once last week. She is doing far better this week. She only has a few days of steroids left...right now it's an 1/8 of what she was on, so we are looking forward to being off them! Meanwhile Sheri is still teaching every day except for scans and chemo....she's a warrior! Last week was Jenny Montes' funeral. Sheri had Jenny in her class, and had met with her a few times during her battle with cancer. We all pray for comfort for the Montes family, they are good people.

Pray for good results from Sheri's scans. We know God is in control, and that He is a God that heals.

Looking up

Brett and Sheri

Friday, February 25, 2011

A quick up-date

The Gamma Knife procedure went well. My reaction has been good. Currently I'm on a lot of steroids. So if you want to pray specifically, please pray for all swelling to be gone as a reaction to the treatment. Also, some good news was that the tumors in my back bones and liver are disappearing!!!!! Thank you Jesus! That means as tumors go away, my back is building up inside and I need to be skiing for me. Please pray for strong healthy bones.

We NEVER give up, God is faithful to heal and answer prayers. Thank you for praying with us.

Looking up!

Sheri & Brett

Friday, February 18, 2011

Better Scans.....

Thursday we ran over to the UW for some follow up scans to see where we go from here. Today Sheri's doctor called with the results. "I actually have some good news for you this time." he told Sheri. The two larger spots they were worried about were swelling from the gamma knife treatment, not growing. Also the areas in her bones and liver have gotten better... so we are making good progress. There are a few very small spots the doctor would like to hit with Gamma Knife to knock them in their tracks. So, Tuesday we head back over for Gamma Knife. So a bit of a mixed bag...but all in all we're moving forward. The doctors have had great success with the Gamma's been over two years since our first treatment. God is good, and we thank Him for the healing He gives. Sheri and her folks are taking a weekend retreat up at Sun Mountain for a little spiritual teaching. The kids and I are headed snowmobiling, skiing, and to church, which should be interesting.
Pray for Sheri...for Tuesdays treatment, and this weekends spiritual journey. Thanks again for all the support and prayers.

Brett and Sheri

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What a Weekend!

I had a conference for my business that started this past Wednesday. Sheri and the kids came over that night to be with me as we were receiving an award...I wanted them there with me. My Dad flew up too. Sheri woke up Thursday morning with a splitting headache. After laying down for a few hours, it seemed to get better. Then Friday morning the same thing happened, so we called Sheri's doctor in Wenatchee. She suggested that we go to the UW medical center. We had to enter via the Emergency Room to be admitted. We spend nearly 4 four hours in the waiting room before we got in. They ran a CT scan and an MRI that night. A few of the spots in her head had swollen, causing the headaches. The doctors had told us that there was a possibility after Gamma Knife, that there may be some swelling. They have her on steroids now to reduce the headache today! The road from here is a bit cloudy. They would like to do another scan to see what is tumor, and what is swelling from the Gamma Knife. Then formulate a plan. Though the doctor said we are running out of options, we know God never is.

We continue to look for Gods healing touch on Sheri, please pray that with us. We will keep you all up to date as we get news. She is feeling much better. We went to church this morning, worked in the yard ( it was 52 here today!) and she plans to work tomorrow. She's a trooper!

Looking up,

Brett and Sheri

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Bryce!

Nine years ago a new blessing came into our lives. Bryce! We have been blessed ever since. He has kept us on our toes. We are very proud of him.

Last week we did chemo on Thursday again, and returned for a Nulasta shot the next day. (Thanks for the ride Kevin!) I rested yesterday, but wasn't as wiped out or exhausted as the last time I had chemo. Praise the Lord!

Today we are going to the ski hill to celebrate Bryce's birthday. Diana is helping me since I had no idea of how I'd be feeling today. (Thanks Diana & Brad!) My plan is to go up, enjoy and then come home for a nap so I can work tomorrow. We are so blessed to have such good friends.

On the 16th we have an MRI planned at the U.W. We're continuing to pray for a miracle. Thanks for praying with us.

Looking up,

Brett & Sheri

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Waiting over.....

Sorry to keep everyone waiting on the results of Sheri's second was clear! For the second time. God is good. We think they forgot to call us. We figured they'd call right away if it were not clear, so I guess it was worth the wait. We went out to Wapato Point Cellars for dinner to celebrate...Sheri had a steak, her first one in over three months...she loved it. She is only supposed to have 6oz of red meat a month on the new diet. We feel blessed to have this test behind us! Next Thursday is another round of chemo. We imagine we will have more scans coming in the near future. We'll update you as we get closer. For now we are enjoying this little victory....pray for more. Thanks for all the support and prayers....they do work.

Looking up....fighting on...

Brett (and Sheri)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Catching Up

We've been through our second chemo round. I responded much better! No more riggers! Chemo is on Thursday again, that means I can work on Friday because the steroids are still racing through my body at that time. Then we run down to Wenatchee for a Nulasta shot on Friday afternoon (Thanks Cherie!). That keeps my white blood cell count up. By Saturday I crash for the day. I think I slept most of Saturday and all night too. Sunday Brett and I took the kids to the ski hill for lessons after sleeping in. We figured I could sit with friends in the lodge or stay home. We choose the lodge, however I was ready for a nap at home that afternoon.

Last week we went to the UW for a spinal tap. it came out clear! Yeah! Brett and I were very happy. Today we have to go over for another one to confirm the clear diagnosis. I guess it only comes out correct 50% of the time. Personally I was very happy with first test! When this one comes out clear then there should not be any cancer cells in my spinal fluid.

Yep! We're still looking up and counting on God for a BIG miracle. Pray for clear results of the UW test today...we'll know more early next week. I have Brett's head cold too, so pray I get over it quickly. Thanks for all your prayers and support!


Monday, January 3, 2011

How's it going?

How's it going? Well, great now! I had a little reaction to the first chemo. Dec. 21st. It gave me the Rigors. Basically, I froze and shook uncontrollably for about 30 minutes. They got it all under control. That shouldn't happen again since they are going to give me the chemo after Benadryl and steroids, that should stop any negative reaction. The next day I was given a Nulasta shot, it builds up my white blood cell count. Ok, that can make your legs sore for a few days!
The good news is I'm back to normal now and so thankful. I even still have my hair at this point! I thought I'd be going back to school bald (with my wig of course!)
We go in for chemo on the 11th again this month.

Over all we loved Christmas Break. Family time, and time with friends was precious. The most exciting thing was watching the kids learn to ski. Brett and I are so proud of them! They zip up the rope tows and down the hill over and over. As of yesterday they are both using the Palma too.

We had lots of fun in the midst of everything. This journey continues to strengthen our faith in a God who heals...sometimes it takes a little time. Thanks for praying with us.
God bless!

Looking up,