Sheri's Service

Sheri's Service

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Babe.....

Today would have been Sheri's 43rd birthday. (That is tough to write). One of our favorite places to go while we were dating and first married was the top of Stormy Mountain. I'm headed up there today with three red roses...the same as I gave her after our first date...and the same that Alyssa, Bryce and I laid on her casket. I would like to write that this all is getting times it is....and others, like today...not so much. I knew this would be a tough day. Yes I still ask why, especially on days like today. But my job right now is to be a good dad, move forward every day, and keep looking up.....that is what she would have wanted me to I do.

We had the opportunity to learn from, and support each other through some pretty tough times. Whenever we got bad news, we would cry, talk it out....then tell each other to suck it up. Today is one of those days.....and I know what she would say.

See you on top of Stormy Babe....Happy Birthday. I Love You!

Keep Looking up!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I'm still here.....

Well summer is in full swing! Aubrey is doing a great job with Bryce and Alyssa. Lots of time at Slidewaters and the beach down at Mill Bay. I've been up to Lucerne (one of Sheri and my favorite places) a lot...13 days....a little part of me meets her up there every time I go. It has been two months since Sheri passed. Every morning is still hard, every night is harder. It is not an easy thing, but I'm getting through. I know there is something good out there for me and Bryce and Alyssa...we just have to wade through this really muddy section. It might take a while.

Thanks all for caring, and continuing to keep us in your prayers...we feel them. We are off to Silverwood in Idaho for a few days.....

Keep Looking Up
