Sheri's Service

Sheri's Service

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Another Opportunity to Look Up

It's 8:30am, Tuesday and I'm sitting in the chemo chair again. We weren't expecting to spend vacation like this, but plans changed. Today we had hoped to take the kids skiing, oh well.
Yesterday we came in to get my scan results. "How were the scans?" I asked. "Not good" Dr. Malhi said. My liver and bones had to many spots to count. Bummer! She asked us to be down at the clinic the next morning to begin a six month chemo treatment. It should be a strong treatment and hopefully effective. I will probably lose my hair in 10 days and then it will begin to grow again in the summer.


To say we had not expected to be back here is an understatement. Both of us felt we were doing all we could to keep this thing at bay. We know that God is bigger then cancer...we believe He heals. It is a strain to look up some times. We are praying for the doctors wisdom, and comfort for Sheri during the new chemo, and strength for the both of us. Being bald again sounds kind of cold...Sheri will dust off her wigs, and me, my hats. We are still a tad overwhelmed, disappointed, bummed...insert your own adjective here. We will push forward and keep our eyes looking up.
We wish all of you a Merry Christmas, remember the reason for the season.


Friday, December 10, 2010

Knee deep in waiting and Christmas......

So many people are asking how Sheri is doing...Well as I am writing this she is out walking with her buddies before school. Today they are walking up Summit hill, which if you've ever driven up Summit hill you know what I'm talking about! On Monday's and Wednesday's they walk up Totem Pole Road. Both hills are quite steep, and her energy is good. She is teaching full time, and we are in the throws of Christmas parties, concerts, gift buying, more concerts, more parties, more gift buying....oh ya and her new diet and home therapy....and the kids are playing basketball too. Maybe I should ask you to pray for my energy! All in all she is doing well, and feeling good. We go for a PET scan on the 18th, and get the results on the 20th. This scan will update us below the neck. Last time they found a spot on her hip bone. We are hoping all is clear...that would be a nice Christmas present indeed! So now you know what I want for Christmas, the cat is out of the bag.

After the new year we are going to head back over to the UW for a MRI...neck up. Sheri had the Gamma Knife treatment almost six weeks that scan will update us there. Meanwhile we plan to enjoy winter by skiing, snowmobiling, sledding, and watching the kids play basketball, and in a whirlwind of concerts.

The new diet is interesting. No sugar period. Not just the white stuff in the bowl...nothing in her food either. Ever read the labels on food...try and find something without sugar in it....good luck. Here's a hint, it's in the vegetable section of the produce isle, and it's usually green in color. We can have some meat, like turkey, chicken, and fish (all organic of course). We are juicing several times a day....the juicing part is kind of fun...the clean up sucks...I was never good at that part. The idea is to balance her diet with carbs and protein to slow the natural absorption of sugar into her body....cancer loves sugar, so we are starving it! Choke on that you little #%@#*&!

So there's a glimpse of our new path. We are positive God has lead us in this direction. We are continuing our conventional treatment, and supplementing it with our alternative treatment. Each is a leg of the stool, both are important to Sheri's healing. If you get a chance, and are curious about where we went in California, here is their web site:

Thanks again for all the prayers and support! We will update you as to the results of the PET after the 20th. Enjoy Christmas...take time to reflect on the good things in life. Focus on where you want to go...not on the problems in life...if you stare at them too long you'll drive into the ditch! Remember why we celebrate this season....hint: it's not about the dude in the red suit, it's about the Dude in the manger and what He did to change this world, and our lives.

Merry Christmas from our family to yours....remember to look up!

Brett, Sheri, Bryce, and Alyssa

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thank you!!!

Last night we had the honor of going to the chili feed fund raiser for going to California. The last time I looked at a thermometer it was 12 degrees with very icy roads. That didn't deter people. I couldn't believe how many people still came out. I feel very blessed and loved.

The most frequently asked question was "How was California?" Awesome! was the answer. We learned so much. The trip was best described by educationally putting a fire hose in your mouth and turning it on. I'm so thankful Brett was with me. I couldn't do this by myself. Honestly, I couldn't. It took both of us gaining understanding and me doing the therapy to get it down. Brett has become an expert green juice maker. I am taking my new supplements. Brett gets them all lined out for me. It was pretty amazing how they are able to tailor supplements to my body's needs. I am off sugar...and feeling so much better! We also found out I was pre diabetic. It's all 100% curable with diet. Sweet! That just inspires me all the more to stay away from sugar. Balancing food is also new for me. I have to make sure I balance my carbs with proteins. You're probably thinking, oh my gosh!, what can she eat? You better not loose any weight! I've actually gained a couple of pounds and Brett actually has lost...the perfect combination. I've been eating and feeling very satisfied and full. I'm so thankful for the opportunity to go to the Oasis of Hope. I knew God would make it obvious when we should go...and he did.

Oh, I have to tell you that a man stopped by the Oasis when we were there. He was diagnosed 36 years prior with stage IV cancer. I hope to go back to encourage others like that 36 years later too. :)

Thank you all for coming last night. Thank you for your hugs, unconditional love and support. We are so blessed to live in such a valley. I appreciate all of you!

Well, I'm heading off to teach my Kinders this morning. They are pretty amazing.
God bless!

Looking up,


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Last day in Cally......... has been an experience. A new leg in our journey has begun. Sheri and I are excited and thankful for the future, for healing, and for God bringing us here. That being said, we are ready to go home too, and see our kids and friends! Probably the most difficult part has been focusing so intensly on cancer for so many days in a row. We didn't realize how nice it is sometimes to be distracted by everyday life. It has been great for both of us to focus on getting better. We still have a lot to learn....especially about our food...I won't bore you with details....but I never knew food could be so complicated! But it all makes common sence, so we push forward and learn. We found a clinic in Seattle to help us with some follow up treatments, so we don't have to fly back down here every 2 months, though they want to see us back in a year. You can tell the way the nurses and Doctors talk with Sheri that they have a confidence that she can get's all doable they say. We agree! Thanks Oasis team, and thanks be to God for calling you to do what you do here.

Looking up!

Wow, tomorrow will be our last day at the Oasis of Hope. It has been extremely helpful. Yes, I'm off of sugar...and learning how to balance any carbs with protein. We're at the beginning of the learning curve and excited to learn more.

When we first arrived the hardest part was concentrating on ME. I'm much more comfortable focusing on others...that's fun. Then we really got into the therapy on Monday. By Wednesday I was sure therapy made teaching Kindergarten full time like a slow walk in the park. Therapy is work! What we've learned makes me feel better physically. Considering I already felt good, this should only help.

I'm missing our kids, home, friends, family, school, class, church and whole community! Can't wait to get back to our beautiful valley.

I am continuing to ask God for healing. I have always believed that He expects us to do all we can and leave the rest to Him. That is what we are doing. Sometimes God expects us to pick up a hammer and get to work. That's where we are. We have hammers in our hands ready to do our best as we come home. Having said this, I know He works through the prayers of His people, so we continue to pray with faith that He heals.

We'll be home Saturday!

Looking up!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Clarity......and peace....

Well we are a few days into Sheri's treatments here in California at the Oasis of Hope clinic. There is a lot to learn and absorb! It's all doable that's the good part. Sheri continues to feel great and has lots of energy. The staff and doctors here are very encouraging and full of hope!

We had a great time with the kids at Disneyland. They flew in Friday night to meet us here. They did great on the plane by themselves. Uncle Bret took them to the Seattle airport, and we "caught" them down here...I'm sure it's an experience they will remember for a long time. Now they are back home with Grandma Gardner....doing the school thing. We fly out Saturday, and look forward to being home...though we see it might be snowing when we get there. We are liking the 70+ temperatures here.

God continues to assure us of his hand on us. It has been encouraging to both of us to be down here. Yesterday a man spoke here. He told his story of coming to the Oasis of Hope 36 years ago after the Mayo clinic gave him 6 weeks to live. Very powerful stuff....similar to my Mom's story. We know God can work through the Oasis of Hope and provide healing for Sheri....we trust him in that. We also have our part in this journey...which will begin when we get home, and for years to come.

Thanks for all the prayers and support....we feel it from here!

Looking up!

Brett and Sheri

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Couple of Country Bumpkins

Did you know they have four lanes on a regular road going one way for miles and it's not a highway? Real freeways have at least seven going one way! I counted tonight. And just to keep up with traffic it's 75 mph! Malls must be measured in acres here! Yes, I know I'm not in Kansas any more.

We had a splendid day. I now understand why this therapy is alternative and also so good for me. It should truely compliment everything my doctors are doing conventionally. Basically, it detoxes my system and helps my body heal better. We have much more to learn, but I believe we are in the right place. They are very supportive to both Brett and I. They also have a strong Christian base, believing that God is in control holding us throughout the journey. We agree. He's the ultimate healer.

We're back to the clinic tomorrow and then to meet the kids. I can't wait to see them! I miss them so much already and it's only been a couple of days!!

Thanks for the faith and prayers.

Looking up,

We Made It!

After school Brett and I flew down to California. The flights were peaceful and smooth. We arrived about 11:30p.m. to a beautiful apartment that we will spend a couple of days at until the kids get here. Thank you Dean & Kaki! We woke up to magnificent sunshine and are about to begin our new adventure at the Oasis of Hope.
Driving down here is an experience, even with a Tom Tom. We are starting out early for our appointment so we have plenty of time.
We are thankful for the restful time this morning.
Well, here we go!! We know God is holding us in all your prayers. God bless.

Looking up,
Sheri & Brett

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

We're Off

Today Brett and I will leave right after work for the Oaisis of Hope Clinic. It's hard to explain how we are feeling. We are hopeful, yet I understand this will be very life changing. So my question is just how... We know it's the right thing to do. God made that VERY clear. So off we go! We're packed and ready for a new adventure in life.

The kids are packed and ready to join us on Friday evening. We will do Disneyland with them on Sat. and Sun. We are looking forward to the family time down there. We want the kids to feel a part of the whole situation in a positive light.

Currently I'm feeling great. I've been teaching full time, even the day after Gamma Knife surgery. I have great doctors and nurses. I'm just getting over a's almost gone!

Please pray for safe travels and healing.

Looking up,


Friday, November 5, 2010

Gamma Knife.....

Yesterday we went over to Seattle and did another Gamma Knife treatment. Sheri's doctor over there was very thorough in attacking the spots. The good news was, after looking at all her previous scans, there is only one new spot. Originally he thought there were many new ones. However, several of her old spots, some almost two years old now, grew a little which concerned him. The largest spot is the size of a pencil eraser...about 3/8" across....the rest are all very small...about 1/8" the doctors are trying to stop this very early. All in all it went well.

A few of Sheri's friends are starting to call her Wonder Woman. While waiting for her treatment she was doing her report cards for her Kindergarten class....which amazed the doctors. "You must love your job?" he said. "Ya think?" I quipped (I can be a bit of a smart %&# at times). We think it helps her to keep pushing onward. Today she is back at work.

Sooooo....we were asking God for a sign as to when to go to the Alternative Clinic in California. God spoke very clearly with these last scan results. OK God we got the message, we are going. We leave next week on Wednesday night for the Oasis of Hope. We'll be there a week and a half, coming home the following Saturday. They give us the weekend off....sooooo...we decided to fly the kids down and hit Disneyland for a few days. They are very excited. She and I are excited about the hospital too. Thank you Charltons and Moreheads for helping us with places to stay! We will undoubtedly need help with food and stuff when we we may need to tap any of the "let me know how I can help" offers out there.

All in all we are doing better mentally....a plan always seems to help with that. Pray the Gamma Knife does it's job, and pray as we head south to the Oasis of Hope. We are looking up and moving forward.

Brett and Sheri (Aylssa and Bryce)

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Night After the News

When we arrived home I was having a hard time looking up. I'm far from perfect ya know. In the middle of the night when I was still feeling devastated, a song popped into my head that I don't think we've sung in forever. It was like I could hear "Sheri, sing this." The song was perfect for the situation. It provided peace and I must have sung it in my sleep 5 or 6 times in my sleep. I knew I wasn't singing alone. The song was I've Got a River of Life Flowing Out of Me. Wow, what a powerful song and where did it come from when I was feeling so down? You guessed it! God never leaves us or forsakes us. He holds and comforts us when we hurt. Then the sun comes up. It took me a day and a half, but I'm out of the funk and ready to fight! He is also providing for our every need. We are very blessed.
Thank you to everyone who is and has supported us through this trek of life. It means a lot.

Here are the words to the song: I've Got a River of Life Flowing Out of Me
I've got a river of life flowing out of me,
makes the lame to walk and the blind to see,
opens prison doors, sets the captives free,
I've got a river of life flowing out of me.

Spring up O' well within my soul.
Spring up O' well and make me whole.
Spring up O' well and give to me, that life abundantly.

We're looking up and still praying for complete healing. Thanks for praying with us! Another request would be to please pray for our travel for our trip to the Oasis of Hope in CA. We'll be leaving the 10th of November. Thanks! (more on that later)

Looking up again,

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Not good news.....

Well there's no good way to put it.....Sheri's scans were not good. The scan shows close to twenty new spots in her head. We are headed back over Friday for another scan to clarify if some of the older spots are cancer or scar tissue. Then next Friday we go back in for Gamma Knife. The doctor is not super confident it will work. We remember he wasn't ultra confident it would work the first time either. It's been a whirlwind of a day. We are trying to figure out if we can squeeze in a trip to California to the Alternative Clinic. It is very expensive and we'll be gone for a week and a half. Help us pray for wisdom: for us about California, and for the Doctors and how to proceed.

If ever Sheri needed your prayers it is now. We are straining to keep looking up, but it is tough...we are not going to kid anyone here.

We do know that He is God, and He is bigger then cancer. We are asking Him for healing.

Brett and Sheri

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tuesday scan....

Tuesday Sheri and I travel over to the UW for a scheduled scan. She has this one every three to four months. The last one three months ago was good...we are praying for the same. It is always an anxious time to go over for these, but we know God is in control. Pray with us for good results.

Sheri's energy has been good, considering she's working full time in a kindergarten class with 23 kids....I wouldn't last 10 minutes in there without needing a nap! She is tolerating the new chemo very well. Her blood numbers are still very good. We are about a quarter of the way through this one.

Personally we are finishing the kids fall schedule. Bryce has one more little man football game left. Alyssa is very much looking forward to basketball this winter. We have two more Coug games to hit to wrap up the season....sure hope they get a W in there somewhere.

Thanks for the support....keep looking up.

Brett and Sheri

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Chase

We are looking forward to participating in the Chelan Chase Breast Cancer walk again this weekend. We will be walking with family and friends. Please come and join with us. It should be lots of fun. If you haven't registered, be there about 9:00 a.m. to register and the race begins at 10:00.
Bryce is hoping to run the whole way. I'm thinking he will easily beat us to the finish.

Thursday I'll be going down to chemo. again. I have tolerated the chemo. well so far. I only had to take an anti nausea once in the last two weeks. Once again, I have so much to be thankful for.

We are persistently and continually asking God for healing. Thank you for continuing to pray with us.

God bless!

Looking up,

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Weekend at Home

This weekend we relaxed at home and got some projects done too. Both the kids went to play with their friends at different times, so it was nice to spend some one on time one with each of them.

Next week should be full of school, work, piano lessons, football and the Coug game on Saturday in Pullman. I have the week off of chemo. Ahhh. I haven't had to take any anti nausea medicine this week. That's fantastic in my book.

Please keep praying with us for God's healing as we thank Him for all He is doing and has done.
God bless!

Looking up,


Thursday, September 30, 2010

A week in....

One week down on the new far so good. Sheri kept any nausea at bay, and her energy was great. She walked several days with her buddies and a couple with me, plus working full time. Our friend Darcy is taking Sheri down today. I committed to helping coach Bryce's little man football team, so I'm staying back with the kids. Once November is here I will be able to take her myself. This weekend we have another little man football game, then we plan to spend our last night for this year down at our trailer at Mill Bay Resort....the kids love it down there. It's like having a cabin on the lake, only a mile away from home. Lots of great times down there, my Mom loved it too. We did family birthdays and special dinners all summer long.

Anyway, marching onward...pray the chemo has minimal effects, and maximum results! We are still considering going to California to the Alternative clinic....but things just aren't quite falling into place....we'll keep praying.

Looking up!

Brett and Sheri

Friday, September 24, 2010

New normal.....for now

Sheri started her new chemo yesterday. They are hoping the side effects are minimal....we are too. They say she might get a little tired afterwards, and maybe a little nausea too. Her hair should be ok, though it might thin a little later on. They are worried her blood counts might drop as well. We remind them that Sheri has not had to have a blood booster shot almost three years of treatment. That is unheard of. Please pray for the chemo to do it's job on the spot in her hip bone, but that it leaves her blood alone. She takes this chemo in Wenatchee once a week...two weeks on, one week off. The doc says we'll probably be doing this for six months.

Meanwhile Sheri went walking with her buddies this morning at 6am (tired hu?). She is a trooper, full of fight! She loves her new class this year and talks about them all with a twinkle in her eye. She truly loves her job. She and I plan to head to Stehekin one last time this year....just us. The kids will be with Sheri's folks. We plan to leave right after Bryce's little man football game....I'm helping's fun and frustrating all at the same time. They are learning some good life lessons about pushing forward, even when it's tough and hard, and the other guy is bigger then you. I told Bryce that his Mommy is a good example of tough. I think he gets it.

Pray for Sheri's strength, and mine too! Looking up, and moving forward.

Brett and Sheri

Friday, September 17, 2010

New News

Next Thursday I will begin a new chemo. It's a lot stronger than what I have been on. There are side effects like nausea, but I have medicine for that. They also say I may get tired, but then I'll be in bed early. This will last about six months.

We are continuing to pray for healing. I refuse to give up praying. We serve a BIG God who is capable of miracles. I believe He has already done many. Please keep praying for us. We're going to face this one day at a time.

I'm off for my morning walk now. God bless ya all!

Looking up,

Monday, September 13, 2010

Waiting...and waiting

We still haven't heard what chemo or change will happen yet. So while we wait, we're living life to its fullest. Bryce's first Football Jamboree on Saturday and then to the Coug game in Pullman. (They won! As Brett says, it wasn't pretty, but it was a win.). We stayed downtown Spokane, then had brunch at Doug and Amy's house the next day. The kids played as the adults relaxed and enjoyed catching up. (Thanks guys!) Today we were back to school and work. It's a great life!

We're still looking up and continue to pray for healing. Thanks for praying with us.
God bless,


Friday, September 3, 2010

Still waiting......

We met with Sheri's doctor Thursday afternoon. The scan showed the spot was there on her's the same spot that's been there for almost three's just a bit brighter now. Three years ago there were many spots on this there is this one small one. The doctor is formulating a plan....but we don't know what it is yet...she's cunsulting with lots of other we wait. She has pulled radiation off the table for now as it might hinder Sheri's bone marrow in the future. We're hoping to learn more on Tuesday.

We are looking into visiting a clinic in California called the Oasis of Hope. It is similar to the one my Mom went to 18 years ago in Mexico. We would be there a week, and come home to two months of additional treatment. It is mostly food based, boosting the bodies own immune system. We figure it's worth a shot....It worked for Mom to 17 years (we would do this along side our current treatment up here). For now we wait and ask God to give the doctors wisdom and guidance...and to help us decide what to do about California.

Looking Up!

Brett and Sheri

Monday, August 30, 2010

More of the Journey

After my bone scan on Friday, we began packing for a trip up lake on Saturday afternoon. (We left after an important birthday party for Bryce's friends.) We stayed at Lucerne in a friend's cabin (Thanks Kevin and Mary!). Mom and dad came up in their boat too. It was fun to spend time together as a family. This morning we hit the Stehekin Bakery one more time. Yummmmmy! You just can't make a bad choice up there! Robbie runs an amazing bakery.

This week promises to be eventful. Tomorrow I go back to full time work. (I'm so excited!) The kids begin school on Thursday and I get the results from my doctor on Thursday late afternoon (about 4:00p.m.) We'll blog the results of our on-going adventure.

Please pray for wisdom for the doctors. We are continuing to pray for complete healing. Yep, I'm like that persistent two year old who just won't give up asking. Thanks for asking God for the same with us.

Looking up,


Thursday, August 19, 2010

P.E.T. Results

Today we received our results. They were mostly good. There is one spot in my pelvis that my doctor is, and has been watching closely. There is a possibility she may want a bone scan later on. She is taking up my case with the tumor board again. (That's simply an opportunity for all the oncologists to get together for additional input on their patients.) She didn't seem overly concerned. She said if we need to, we can hit it with radiation.
The great news is that my main organs are looking clear. Obviously, there are no hard, fast rules or absolutes medically. The absolute we count on and depend on is God. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He cares for His children. It's good to be one of them. We thank Him for the work that had been done in my body and pray for continued healing. Thank you for praying with us.

Looking up,


Saturday, August 14, 2010

P.E.T. scan today....

Sheri and I are off to a PET scan this morning. Her doctor has her do one of these every three to four months. They are only on Saturdays down in Wenatchee, so we are hopping in the mustang and heading's 5:30am as I write this. I know you are saying, Brett is up that early?....yes, yes I am. This scan is for the neck down, and has been clear for quite a while, so we are praying for more of the same here....please pray with us. We'll post the results late Thursday after her appointment. Off to the big city (it's big to us country folk!)

Looking up.

Brett and Sheri

Monday, August 2, 2010

Live from Silverwood

We are taking the kids to Silverwood for the first time today. They have been anticipating this day all summer.

This morning I woke up seeing a little better in my left eye! It's still a little blurry, but the blurry spot isn't as big.

Last week felt like a whirl wind. Being on steroids with an impromptu trip to the UW was just a little stressful. Although, the test results were awesome! P.T.L.! It finally hit me the night after we returned. I just fell into tears that evening because I didn't get the muffins made for our trip. Muffins! Really? Brett smiled, understanding what was going on. "I think someone is coming off steroids and has had a big week." After a big hug, I was fine and getting back to normal.

Now we are on our family vacation. We're experiencing Silverwood today and tomorrow and heading to Camano Island on Friday. Brett is going to sneek in a day of work on Thursday.

Thank you for continuing thank God for our healing thus far and pray for continued healing. I believe consistency and persistance is important.

Looking up!


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A look into the world of a cancer survivor.......

All is well! Sheri's visit to the UW was very positive. Her scans looked very good. The two bigger spots her Doctor was watching are both smaller, and the other few are holding very small in size. He doesn't want to see her for three our world that's a long time. The eye Doctor she saw said she had some blood in her eye that is blurring her should clear up in a week or so....nothing to worry about.

Sorry to sound the alarm....but now you get a breif glimps into our world. Even something small like blurry vision can set off a storms of scans and Doctor appointments. Thanks for following us in our journey, and being willing to help when asked...we are truely blessed. I guess it's best to be cautious, we're glad Sheri has such great Doctors.

Brett, Sheri, Alyssa, Bryce

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pray please......

Soooo...Sheri has been having some fuzzy vision in her left eye. Nothing big or major...just a little blurry. She has had 20/20 vision her whole it raised a flag. We called her Doctor in Wenatchee and at the UW. They want her at the U tomorrow morning for a MRI. We had one scheduled for August, but they wanted to do it now. What does it mean? Not real sure. It could be swelling from the treated areas they hit a few months ago. She'll be seeing an eye Doctor as well...she may just be getting older...both her parents use glasses. The best we can do is pray. Unfortunately I can't go, we are short handed at the yard this week, and we have an event for contractors tomorrow as well, and Alyssa and I are playing for an event tomorrow Sheri's Mom Sue is riding shotgun in my place...and to boot it's Sue's birthday tomorrow. Happy B day Mom in law. Pray for good things and good scans. We'll let you know what's up as soon as we know.

Looking up!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mini Prayer Request- The Big Toe

My big left toe is doing a little better this morning, but the last couple of days it looked like a little balloon on the end of my foot. Doctor's orders are to wait a week to begin my second chemo and stay off of it. So I'm enjoying summer for a couple of days with my foot up. I expect it to get better by next Monday...that's my hope! The kids are a great help at picking up, doing dishes and bringing me laundry. They rock! I'm very proud of them.
We have spent quite a bit of time swimming. At grandma & grandpa's, the kids live in the pool. At home we run down to the pool or lake at Mill Bay. We love summer.

My next MRI is Aug. 6th, which is also my dad's birthday! The doctor expects the spots to be bigger due to normal inflammation and then to go down. However, I don't fit the normal expectations so often that it leaves it very open. That's what happens when I know God is answering prayers.

We are praying for good scans and continued complete healing. All things are possible for those who love God! We are also thanking Him for the healing He has given us thus far. Please continue to pray with us.

Looking up!


Monday, June 21, 2010

A Happy Anniversary & Father's Day

Sunday the family woke up, threw our little suit cases in the car and buzzed over the mountain to the Mariner's Game. The soggy trip led us to a closed roof at the statium. We all had fun. The M's even won. It made the perfect anniverary, 18 years, this year. Brett enjoyed father's day too. I have to say I'm so thankful to have such a caring and devoted husband. He has been an incredible blessing to me in many ways.

We spent the night and headed home today. As we crested the mountains, we saw the first bit of blue skies. Yeah! There it is! We're heading home.

We are thankful for great family time.

I don't have any appointments until next month. The break is much appreciated. Thank you for continuing to pray for complete healing. I know God is capable.

Looking up,


Friday, June 4, 2010

Good News

We returned home yesterday after a MRI and visit to my doctor in Seattle. He was all smiles. Four of the spots appeared slightly smaller and one of them we couldn't see. At this point he actually expected them to be bigger. So that a big thanks God! The next day we went to see another oncologist just to see what else may be out there for us. Dr. Rockhill recommended this and my doctor here was all for it. The new oncologist was very complimentary of the care I've received here and said she would have done the same things. We agreed with her. We love our doctor here. She told us of many up coming trials and put my name on the list. Believe it or not, I'm too healthy right now to qualify for anything. That's a good thing in my mind. She was amazed at how well I have tolerated all of the treatments. That's a God thing. What can I say? Prayer works!
Thanks for praying! Keep up the great work prayer warriors. Your support means a lot.

Looking up!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Follow up scans today

Sheri and I are headed over the hill into the rain today for a follow up MRI at the UW. This marks 1 month since her treatment.

Tomorrow we are meeting with a doctor at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. We're not sure what to expect, but Sheri's doctor at the UW suggested we get another opinion. I guess it doesn't hurt. We continue to ask for God's healing...and thank Him for the healing he has brought.

School is out next week for Sheri and the kids. They are looking forward to lazy days by the pool at Mill Bay, boat rides up lake, camping up the Methow, and a trip to Silverwood (we've never been..and we can take our trailer to stay in to keep the cost in check, there's a recession you know).

Pray for God's peace (especially for me!), and healing. Thank you again for all the support!

Looking up (most of the time...hey I never said I was perfect!).


Sunday, May 30, 2010


Hopefully the bandages will be coming off this Tuesday from last weeks surgery. I will get to see my surgeon at that point and see how things are healing up.

I'm feeling well. I get tired occasionally and Brett has more energy than I do. However he is quick to say go grab your chair, then he keeps on going. He knows I can go so far and then it's time to rest. What ever isn't done will be there to finish later. The kids are a great help. Helping out is good for them too.

Well, we're off to church. Then it's to great grandma's birthday! She's an amazing woman.

Looking up and thankful for today,


Friday, May 21, 2010

The Gallbladder detour... 2 in the morning Sheri felt a pain in her tummy. I said it's just the flu. At 6am she was throwing up...I said it's just the flu. At noon she was really complaining that it really, really hurt....I said it's just the flu, ride it out. At 2pm the whole family was on it's way to Wenatchee. Sheri's doctor said I think it's your Gallbladder....I said it's just the flu...maybe bad pizza. The doctor was right. 24 hours later she is minus one Gallbladder, and feel much better. I was incorrect in my diagnosis, strike one for Dr. Brett. They were able to do the less invasive surgery, so her recovery will be pretty quick. For your info this is totally unrelated to what else is going on with Sheri...just really bad luck, and two big gall stones. She is tough as always, and looking up.....are you? Hope so! Thanks again for all the support and prayer, we truely feel it!

Brett (and Sheri)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Stehekin Bound!

A Hoy! We're off to Stehekin for the weekend. We went to Sheri's doctor in Wenatchee for her monthly appointment. Her blood numbers were super good today....more so then usual. I asked the doc if that was normal...she just looked at me and smiled and said, "Sheri is not normal." True.
This weekend is the one year mark of my Moms passing. So we thought what better to do to keep our minds clear then head to Stehekin....everything is clearer there. My Dad and Sister and her family are headed up too. The bummer is the bakery isn't open until next weekend....a good reason to go back.
We are praying that the gamma knife treatment is doing it's job (no real results for a few months), and for peace on this journey God has us on, and His continued healing. This week is tough though thinking of Mom. We miss her.

Looking up,

Brett and Sheri

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Loving Being Home

Home again, home again jiggity, jig, jig! It's nice to be home. I slept a little better last night.

The Gamma Knife surgery went well as far as we can tell. We won't get results for a month or two when we do another MRI on my head. For now my doctor is off on a well deserved vacation to Greece.

God continues to answer prayers though! I had one of my friends tell me they prayed that screwing on the frame to my head wouldn't hurt as much this time. And guess what? It didn't hurt as much as it did last time. I mentioned it didn't hurt as much to my doctor and he said, "maybe you just knew what to expect this time." That's possible, but I believe God had something to do with it too.

Yesterday, the day after gamma knife, I just did a little, then hit the tired wall in the afternoon. I was in bed by 7:00pm. Today we plan on going to the pancake breakfast and then to the parade. That has been our tradition for years as a family. Then we plan to rest the remainder of the day.

We are so thankful for God's provision. He continues to show us that we are in his hands and arms time and time again. I'll have to look back and see if I blogged the "little chapel" story, if not I will. It's just another example of how God shows us He is caring for us.

We continue to thank God for the miracles He is providing and has provided. We also continue to ask for complete healing. We look to Him for guidance and peace. He is our Hope.

We are looking up & wrapped in love.

Sheri & Brett

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Over the Mountain and Through the Woods

After waiting for the time to go to Harbor View and having it change 3 times. At the last minute, we are going over the mountain tonight and will be there at 6:30 a.m. We should be done about 2:00p.m. I only know that because that was our appointment time an hour ago. We are hoping to be able to come home afterwards...we'll see what the doc. says.

Upward and onward! Thank you for praying. We're loading the car now. God bless ya' all!

Looking up,

Sheri & Brett

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Putting our hiking boots back on...

Well, we have another hill to climb, so lace up your hiking boots. One of the spots is obviously bigger and three others are very suspicious according to my doctor. Therefore I'll be going in for Gamma Knife surgery again next week on April 6th. He says not to worry because we still have options.

We are still praying for healing. I told Brett I still feel like a two year old just tugging on the robe of Jesus saying will you heal me now? How about now? I just keep tugging. Now? When Lord?
I know He is fully capable, omnipotent and loving. We just get to trust Him and rest in Him. We know He is ultimately in control.

The mountains in our lives are but bumps for God. He can handle them and us. We're praying and praying and doing our best.

Looking up!


Monday, April 26, 2010

Tomorrow Brett and I will be going over the mountain to visit my doctor and have a MRI. We are going over and back the same day so it will be a quick day. We are continuing to pray for good scans. Please continue to pray for this with us.

Have a beautiful week.

Looking up,


Monday, April 5, 2010

Catching up

Well, since we last wrote, my doctor's nurse called and wanted to see us in one month instead of two. She said the radiologist saw a couple of suspicious spots. That's all the information she gave me at the time. The next morning she called again to inform me that they were the same spots Dr. Rockhill had seen. My doctor and the radiologist just wanted to error on the side of being cautious... I could have used that information the night before! I knew there is a 90% chance of it just being Adema and 10% chance it was actually trying to grow. However, there was no new growth any where else. That's good news. So, we go back over on the 27th for another scan.

We are thanking God for the miracle that He is doing in my life and pray for continued grace and healing. He is a good God.

Over Spring Break we had fun with my family putting new decking on mom and dad's deck. It was great to spend the family time with the entire family. The rest of the time we spent at Brett's dad's house putting it back together. I'm on my way over now to get some more done on it. It has been fun to see the changes. Let's hope he likes them!

Thank you for continuing to pray!
Looking up,


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sometimes it's no news......

We are getting used to the up and down anticipation of going in for scans, waiting for results, and moving forward. Sheri's PET body scan was good this past week. Today we ventured over the mountain to the UW (Go Cougs!) for a MRI brain scan. The last three have been great, showing shrinking, or out right disappearing of the tumors. Today's scan was different. The Doctor told us nine months ago when we got to this point we might see some slight edema (swelling) around some of the tumors....which we did. It makes the tumors look slightly larger....but he's 90% sure it's scare tissue....but....He wants us back in two months to be sure. It's not bad news, it's not good news, it's we are waiting for the next scan news (no news). He predicted we might see this nine months ago, so here we are. Once again God is telling us to "Be still and know I am God." Please pray for good results in two months and Sheri's continued healing, we'll keep looking Up. Thanks for following us in our journey.

Brett and Sheri

Monday, March 15, 2010

Good News

Round one of scans are done. Yeah! They look good. Now we are on to round two. That will be a MRI at the University of Washington on Tues., the 23rd of this month.

I've been on a double chemo since late July or early August. I have three weeks off one of my chemos to let my hands and feet heal completely. Ahhhh, that will feel good. Then I'll go back to one chemo constantly and the other one I'll take one week on and one week off. I guess they are getting really good results with others under this treatment. My doctor also let us know they have discovered another new drug that is very promising for Her 2+ patients. We were glad to hear that!

We are very thankful for the answer to prayer. Ok, let me be more specific. We are thankful that He specifically gave us good scans. Thank you Lord!

Thanks for praying with us!

Looking up,


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Not sick!

Normally we go down for a PET scan on Saturday later in the morning. Occasionally I get sick on the way down because I'm not allowed to eat 6 hours before the scan...that means no morning coffee and a bite to eat! This Saturday I got the earliest appointment available and did just fine! Yeah! I was so thankful all day.
Tomorrow we get results.
Thanks for praying. You all must be, because I feel totally at peace.

Keep looking up!


Monday, March 8, 2010

Zona Fun!

Saturday night we returned from a fun filled week in Arizona visiting dad. We hit the pool, the zoo, the flea market, and more. The boys enjoyed golfing...especially Bryce. He chipped in a shot that rolled onto the green and into the hole. It amazed Brett and dad. He was pretty proud.

I'm feeling well. I just have to be careful with my hands and feet. They tend to crack very easily. However, it is all manageable. I'm very thankful for that.

This Saturday I go in for a PET scan and next Friday we go to the UW for a MRI. We're looking for and hoping for continued great results. Please pray with us for this. Thanks!

Looking up!


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Doc. appointments, Birthday time and the Bowl Game

It's been a busy week, but a fun one. Thursday Brett and I drove to Wenatchee to get birthday presents for Bryce, go to my monthly appointment to see my doctor and get a Zeloda treatment for my bones. We purposely left a little early to stop at Hooked on Toys, check!- presents bought! That's off the list, now on to the clinic. We arrived to find my doctor had a call early that morning and her dad was in the hospital in India. We don't know how he is, but we said we'd pray for him. They were able to write down our questions and she will possibly be back next week. I'm hoping to be off Xyloda by March...maybe sooner??? My hands and feet are peeling and dry, but it's all manageable. God gives me the grace to walk through it. Honestly, I have so much to be thankful for.

Friday we had a friend birthday party for Bryce. Mom, dad and Brett all helped. Yeah family! The boys were great! We had little boy food for after school snacks, little smokies, cheese & crackers, Doritos and apple slices. Then we went up to play basketball. Those boys ran for 45 minutes straight! I had fun shooting baskets with them too. (However, I paid for being on my feet that long exercising. Ouch! Hot feet!) Then it was back to the house for cake, presents and more games. The next night we did a family party. It was fun.

Today we had friends over for the Super Bowl. It's good to get together with great friends. And boy did we eat! Yum!

The other day Brett was talking to Pastor Paul Palumbo. He asked how I was and Brett said "great. We just aren't sure how to pray sometimes, do we thank God for the healing we have or continue to pray for a miracle?" He had a good answer, he said "both". So, we are thanking God for the healing he has provided and pray for a continual miracle of healing.

Looking up and rejoicing in the day God has given us today!
Thank you for praying with us.


Monday, January 11, 2010


Gaps are good. Embrace them! There really is no new news to report. Sheri is doing great right now. We are knee deep in winter sports with the kids, and just the regular stuff of school, work, and snowmobile club. Gaps in doctor appointment, scans, reports and the like mean the doctors feel good about where we are. We are thankful. We plan to head to Arizona for a week at the end of February to see my Dad. When we get back we have another set of scans. Those results will set the stage for where we head from here, thus the gap. So pray on warriors! Thank you all again for your support and interest.....may God bring us many LONG gaps! Amen.


The other day I needed a new pair of slippers after having my toe worked on. (It's healing up well.) So Brett took me to JCPenny's. I found every conceivable pair of slippers that were big white and puffy or sleek and shinny. I was hoping for something that didn't bring such attention to my feet. Then a sales person came over to put a pair of tan slippers with a sole away that she had found sitting on the counter. As she came by, I asked to look at them. They fit! They were the last pair in the store. The sales lady repeatedly said she just couldn't believe that worked out so perfectly. I just said "God knows what we need before we do and He provides just at the right time." Thanks Lord! I've worn those slippers everywhere...even church.

Looking up and thankful for the gaps,
