Sheri's Service

Sheri's Service

Friday, March 18, 2011

Back in the saddle.....

We are back from the quick trip to Seattle. Sheri's doctors we very please with how she was doing. The scans showed that the spots are looking slightly smaller or are stable. This is good so soon after treatment. They tell us the full effect of the treatment is at about 8-10 weeks, and it's only been 3 1/2 weeks. They are continuing to taper her off the steroids, and told us we didn't need to come back for 6-8 weeks. So good news....thanks for the prayers.

Thanks for all the support!

Brett and Sheri

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Headed back to Seattle...

Tomorrow, Thursday, we head back to Seattle for a follow up MRI from the Gamma Knife treatment about a month ago. This scan will let the doctors know how well the treatment went. This last week was a tough one. Sheri is coming off a very heavy dose of steroids, which mess with her energy levels, both high and low. Throw in chemo, and the side effects from the Gamma Knife (tired mostly), and they all converged at once last week. She is doing far better this week. She only has a few days of steroids left...right now it's an 1/8 of what she was on, so we are looking forward to being off them! Meanwhile Sheri is still teaching every day except for scans and chemo....she's a warrior! Last week was Jenny Montes' funeral. Sheri had Jenny in her class, and had met with her a few times during her battle with cancer. We all pray for comfort for the Montes family, they are good people.

Pray for good results from Sheri's scans. We know God is in control, and that He is a God that heals.

Looking up

Brett and Sheri