Sheri's Service

Sheri's Service

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Another Opportunity to Look Up

It's 8:30am, Tuesday and I'm sitting in the chemo chair again. We weren't expecting to spend vacation like this, but plans changed. Today we had hoped to take the kids skiing, oh well.
Yesterday we came in to get my scan results. "How were the scans?" I asked. "Not good" Dr. Malhi said. My liver and bones had to many spots to count. Bummer! She asked us to be down at the clinic the next morning to begin a six month chemo treatment. It should be a strong treatment and hopefully effective. I will probably lose my hair in 10 days and then it will begin to grow again in the summer.


To say we had not expected to be back here is an understatement. Both of us felt we were doing all we could to keep this thing at bay. We know that God is bigger then cancer...we believe He heals. It is a strain to look up some times. We are praying for the doctors wisdom, and comfort for Sheri during the new chemo, and strength for the both of us. Being bald again sounds kind of cold...Sheri will dust off her wigs, and me, my hats. We are still a tad overwhelmed, disappointed, bummed...insert your own adjective here. We will push forward and keep our eyes looking up.
We wish all of you a Merry Christmas, remember the reason for the season.


Friday, December 10, 2010

Knee deep in waiting and Christmas......

So many people are asking how Sheri is doing...Well as I am writing this she is out walking with her buddies before school. Today they are walking up Summit hill, which if you've ever driven up Summit hill you know what I'm talking about! On Monday's and Wednesday's they walk up Totem Pole Road. Both hills are quite steep, and her energy is good. She is teaching full time, and we are in the throws of Christmas parties, concerts, gift buying, more concerts, more parties, more gift buying....oh ya and her new diet and home therapy....and the kids are playing basketball too. Maybe I should ask you to pray for my energy! All in all she is doing well, and feeling good. We go for a PET scan on the 18th, and get the results on the 20th. This scan will update us below the neck. Last time they found a spot on her hip bone. We are hoping all is clear...that would be a nice Christmas present indeed! So now you know what I want for Christmas, the cat is out of the bag.

After the new year we are going to head back over to the UW for a MRI...neck up. Sheri had the Gamma Knife treatment almost six weeks that scan will update us there. Meanwhile we plan to enjoy winter by skiing, snowmobiling, sledding, and watching the kids play basketball, and in a whirlwind of concerts.

The new diet is interesting. No sugar period. Not just the white stuff in the bowl...nothing in her food either. Ever read the labels on food...try and find something without sugar in it....good luck. Here's a hint, it's in the vegetable section of the produce isle, and it's usually green in color. We can have some meat, like turkey, chicken, and fish (all organic of course). We are juicing several times a day....the juicing part is kind of fun...the clean up sucks...I was never good at that part. The idea is to balance her diet with carbs and protein to slow the natural absorption of sugar into her body....cancer loves sugar, so we are starving it! Choke on that you little #%@#*&!

So there's a glimpse of our new path. We are positive God has lead us in this direction. We are continuing our conventional treatment, and supplementing it with our alternative treatment. Each is a leg of the stool, both are important to Sheri's healing. If you get a chance, and are curious about where we went in California, here is their web site:

Thanks again for all the prayers and support! We will update you as to the results of the PET after the 20th. Enjoy Christmas...take time to reflect on the good things in life. Focus on where you want to go...not on the problems in life...if you stare at them too long you'll drive into the ditch! Remember why we celebrate this season....hint: it's not about the dude in the red suit, it's about the Dude in the manger and what He did to change this world, and our lives.

Merry Christmas from our family to yours....remember to look up!

Brett, Sheri, Bryce, and Alyssa