Sheri's Service

Sheri's Service

Monday, August 30, 2010

More of the Journey

After my bone scan on Friday, we began packing for a trip up lake on Saturday afternoon. (We left after an important birthday party for Bryce's friends.) We stayed at Lucerne in a friend's cabin (Thanks Kevin and Mary!). Mom and dad came up in their boat too. It was fun to spend time together as a family. This morning we hit the Stehekin Bakery one more time. Yummmmmy! You just can't make a bad choice up there! Robbie runs an amazing bakery.

This week promises to be eventful. Tomorrow I go back to full time work. (I'm so excited!) The kids begin school on Thursday and I get the results from my doctor on Thursday late afternoon (about 4:00p.m.) We'll blog the results of our on-going adventure.

Please pray for wisdom for the doctors. We are continuing to pray for complete healing. Yep, I'm like that persistent two year old who just won't give up asking. Thanks for asking God for the same with us.

Looking up,


Thursday, August 19, 2010

P.E.T. Results

Today we received our results. They were mostly good. There is one spot in my pelvis that my doctor is, and has been watching closely. There is a possibility she may want a bone scan later on. She is taking up my case with the tumor board again. (That's simply an opportunity for all the oncologists to get together for additional input on their patients.) She didn't seem overly concerned. She said if we need to, we can hit it with radiation.
The great news is that my main organs are looking clear. Obviously, there are no hard, fast rules or absolutes medically. The absolute we count on and depend on is God. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He cares for His children. It's good to be one of them. We thank Him for the work that had been done in my body and pray for continued healing. Thank you for praying with us.

Looking up,


Saturday, August 14, 2010

P.E.T. scan today....

Sheri and I are off to a PET scan this morning. Her doctor has her do one of these every three to four months. They are only on Saturdays down in Wenatchee, so we are hopping in the mustang and heading's 5:30am as I write this. I know you are saying, Brett is up that early?....yes, yes I am. This scan is for the neck down, and has been clear for quite a while, so we are praying for more of the same here....please pray with us. We'll post the results late Thursday after her appointment. Off to the big city (it's big to us country folk!)

Looking up.

Brett and Sheri

Monday, August 2, 2010

Live from Silverwood

We are taking the kids to Silverwood for the first time today. They have been anticipating this day all summer.

This morning I woke up seeing a little better in my left eye! It's still a little blurry, but the blurry spot isn't as big.

Last week felt like a whirl wind. Being on steroids with an impromptu trip to the UW was just a little stressful. Although, the test results were awesome! P.T.L.! It finally hit me the night after we returned. I just fell into tears that evening because I didn't get the muffins made for our trip. Muffins! Really? Brett smiled, understanding what was going on. "I think someone is coming off steroids and has had a big week." After a big hug, I was fine and getting back to normal.

Now we are on our family vacation. We're experiencing Silverwood today and tomorrow and heading to Camano Island on Friday. Brett is going to sneek in a day of work on Thursday.

Thank you for continuing thank God for our healing thus far and pray for continued healing. I believe consistency and persistance is important.

Looking up!
