Sheri's Service

Sheri's Service

Thursday, September 30, 2010

A week in....

One week down on the new far so good. Sheri kept any nausea at bay, and her energy was great. She walked several days with her buddies and a couple with me, plus working full time. Our friend Darcy is taking Sheri down today. I committed to helping coach Bryce's little man football team, so I'm staying back with the kids. Once November is here I will be able to take her myself. This weekend we have another little man football game, then we plan to spend our last night for this year down at our trailer at Mill Bay Resort....the kids love it down there. It's like having a cabin on the lake, only a mile away from home. Lots of great times down there, my Mom loved it too. We did family birthdays and special dinners all summer long.

Anyway, marching onward...pray the chemo has minimal effects, and maximum results! We are still considering going to California to the Alternative clinic....but things just aren't quite falling into place....we'll keep praying.

Looking up!

Brett and Sheri

Friday, September 24, 2010

New normal.....for now

Sheri started her new chemo yesterday. They are hoping the side effects are minimal....we are too. They say she might get a little tired afterwards, and maybe a little nausea too. Her hair should be ok, though it might thin a little later on. They are worried her blood counts might drop as well. We remind them that Sheri has not had to have a blood booster shot almost three years of treatment. That is unheard of. Please pray for the chemo to do it's job on the spot in her hip bone, but that it leaves her blood alone. She takes this chemo in Wenatchee once a week...two weeks on, one week off. The doc says we'll probably be doing this for six months.

Meanwhile Sheri went walking with her buddies this morning at 6am (tired hu?). She is a trooper, full of fight! She loves her new class this year and talks about them all with a twinkle in her eye. She truly loves her job. She and I plan to head to Stehekin one last time this year....just us. The kids will be with Sheri's folks. We plan to leave right after Bryce's little man football game....I'm helping's fun and frustrating all at the same time. They are learning some good life lessons about pushing forward, even when it's tough and hard, and the other guy is bigger then you. I told Bryce that his Mommy is a good example of tough. I think he gets it.

Pray for Sheri's strength, and mine too! Looking up, and moving forward.

Brett and Sheri

Friday, September 17, 2010

New News

Next Thursday I will begin a new chemo. It's a lot stronger than what I have been on. There are side effects like nausea, but I have medicine for that. They also say I may get tired, but then I'll be in bed early. This will last about six months.

We are continuing to pray for healing. I refuse to give up praying. We serve a BIG God who is capable of miracles. I believe He has already done many. Please keep praying for us. We're going to face this one day at a time.

I'm off for my morning walk now. God bless ya all!

Looking up,

Monday, September 13, 2010

Waiting...and waiting

We still haven't heard what chemo or change will happen yet. So while we wait, we're living life to its fullest. Bryce's first Football Jamboree on Saturday and then to the Coug game in Pullman. (They won! As Brett says, it wasn't pretty, but it was a win.). We stayed downtown Spokane, then had brunch at Doug and Amy's house the next day. The kids played as the adults relaxed and enjoyed catching up. (Thanks guys!) Today we were back to school and work. It's a great life!

We're still looking up and continue to pray for healing. Thanks for praying with us.
God bless,


Friday, September 3, 2010

Still waiting......

We met with Sheri's doctor Thursday afternoon. The scan showed the spot was there on her's the same spot that's been there for almost three's just a bit brighter now. Three years ago there were many spots on this there is this one small one. The doctor is formulating a plan....but we don't know what it is yet...she's cunsulting with lots of other we wait. She has pulled radiation off the table for now as it might hinder Sheri's bone marrow in the future. We're hoping to learn more on Tuesday.

We are looking into visiting a clinic in California called the Oasis of Hope. It is similar to the one my Mom went to 18 years ago in Mexico. We would be there a week, and come home to two months of additional treatment. It is mostly food based, boosting the bodies own immune system. We figure it's worth a shot....It worked for Mom to 17 years (we would do this along side our current treatment up here). For now we wait and ask God to give the doctors wisdom and guidance...and to help us decide what to do about California.

Looking Up!

Brett and Sheri