Sheri's Service

Sheri's Service

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I thought I should post, since I have not in a while. Thanksgiving is here, so in that vain, I thought I should write where we are, and what I am thankful for.

First, I am thankful for Jesus, and what He did on the cross! I am thankful for His grace, because I have needed every measure of it I could get the last several months, and I will continue to pray for my quota everyday....

I am thankful for two wonderful, healthy children. Who miss their mother, but have learned to navigate life with a single dad at the helm. I am thankful for their grace with me as well.

I am thankful for a supportive bunch of friends and a loving supportive family.....who have loved me. Bryce, and Alyssa in our grief, and now in our healing.

I am thankful for 21 years. 21 years that I was blessed to have known Sheri. My life is forever changed by her. Her grace for me was overflowing. Her love for me until the end. I will forever love her, and I will never forget her and what she meant to me. I look forward to our reunion in heaven some day.

I am thankful that God wants good for me and my kids....looking into the future with hope and curiosity as to what that might bring....knowing that He has my back. He has brought us this far...I will trust Him with my future.

Alyssa and Bryce are doing well in school. They are looking forward to basketball and skiing this winter. At Christmas we are all three headed to Hawaii. It is a place Sheri always wanted all of us to go, so we are going. Thanks again for all of your prayers and support....and grace too! As we make our way into the future, and our new life as a family, we will need those prayers and grace to draw upon.

Looking Up,
Brett, Alyssa, Bryce

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