Sheri's Service

Sheri's Service

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Another Chemo Day........

Today is our first chemo Thursday. We switched days from Wednesday so Sheri could work. The day after chemo she feels pretty good, but the two days after that are her rest days, so we scheduled weekends for rest. (We need to have some control in a seemingly uncontrollable situation.) We're very lucky so far that she really only gets tired from the chemo, and a little achy. So far her energy is holding up well! The rest of us are having to do more "mommy" stuff, that we probably should be doing more of anyway. This is one way to get us husbands to do more around the house, but I don't recommend it to others!

Our (my) New Years resolution was to try and get us more organized. If you know me well, that's not an easy undertaking! I did clean (re-stacked) the garage to get Sheri's car in there for the first time in almost two years. Of course the Mustang has been in there since day one....I felt kinda bad about that, but it's her Mustang too.....right?!

Anyway, off to Wenatchee for chemo this afternoon. Warriors, pray for healing and receding cancer. As the weeks and months roll on we will have to watch her energy levels more as the chemo builds in her system. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers, remember, God is bigger than cancer, keep looking up. Oh ya and.......GO COUGS!!!!



Lori said...

Brett and Sheri,
Reading your blogs is such an inspiration to me. Humility can be learned in so many new, and unexpected ways. Please know that what you are dealing with is working to grow the body of Christ in ways that you cannot even imagine, or fathom. You and your family are such a blessing and John and I are in prayer for you constantly.

With love,
Lori Laughlin

Lori said...

Just wanted to make sure you knew that the "Humility" I was referring to is MY OWN!
