Sheri's Service

Sheri's Service

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Seattle ahoy!

Sheri and Brett off on a whirlwind adventure..... 5am will come very quickly! Our first appointment is at 10am with the Nature Path Doctor. There's a cool story that goes with this appointment. Apparently this is a very sought after Doctor we are seeing. We got a call from his nurse at home late last week asking us to call asap as they had an opening the day we'd be in Seattle....we didn't get the message until after work at 5:30pm. Sheri decided to call their office though earlier that day during a break at school. The nurse said, "you must have angels looking out for you!" Sheri said confidently, "well yes I do." The nurse replied that this was the only open appointment that they have for over 5 months, and she was waiting for 10 other people to call her back to book this time, and Sheri was the first to call back. Kinda cool hu?! We are excited to see what he has to tell us. Then at 1pm we do our pre-meeting at the UW for the Gamma Knife. Thursday is Gamma Knife day and the drive home. All in all we are looking up for Gods hand in all of this, and praying for healing. We are thankful for technology as well, knowing God can use these things to heal too. Thanks for the prayers and support, keep it coming!

Brett and Sheri

I will yell a big GO COUGS!!!! in the halls of the U hospital for ya all!


Heather said...


Shannon said...

Saying prayers for you right now - one of thanksgiving for Tuesday, and one of petition for today. I am sure the angels will be close by.