Sheri's Service

Sheri's Service

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A day on the snow....

We decided to go enjoy the last bits of winter this weekend. We took a quick trip to the Methow Valley to do a little ridin' with friends. What great fun! We all got great sun tans (Vitamin D)sitting and talking on the bright white snow. It was a nice relaxing time.
Another week and a half until another oral chemo, so we enjoy having time and energy...three more to go. Don't be surprised if you see the wig go back in storage soon, as Sheri is quickly growing a new crop of hair. Well ,there you go...a quick update.
Looking Up,
Brett and Sheri

Monday, March 16, 2009


Sorry for the break in the action here on the blog. Sheri had her Herseptin treatment last Thursday. We met with her Doctor to follow up after our trip to the U. She recommended that Sheri do two additional rounds of the oral chemo bringing the total to six not four. Sheri has tolerated this chemo fairly well, so it wasn't too unexpected to us. Sheri's hair is peaking through, she has a little buzz cut now. Right now we have a three week break from treatments and are living life. So there you go, nothing too flashy or cool......just life, our life.

Brett (I'm Mr. Mom in the mornings as Sheri heads to school early.....Thanks LCBS Crew for covering me!)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

No Gamma Knife for you!....(for now anyway)

Sorry for the Seinfeld "Soup Nazi" line. (the title)....I had to do it! So we met with the Doctors from the Gamma Knife Dept. at the UW. They felt that Sheri's tumors have shrunk back so far, and they were so small that they believe we should hold off on the Gamma Knife treatment. In short because the tumors are so small they think what we are seeing on the MRI's might be residual (dead) tissue, so why treat dead tumors? The only way to tell if they are dead or not is time, which means we wait and do scans every 2-3 months. They want to hold this bullet back until they really need it. We liked the wisdom in all this. It's a bit weird though to prepare yourself for a procedure, then not have it happen. That has happened twice with a mastectomy too. We trust the Doctors, so on we move through this adventure God has us on. We continue to trust Him, and that His hand is on these Doctors. For now Sheri is back on her oral chemo for another three days, then she has a three week break. Thanks for caring.

Brett (Sheri is headed to bed after a long day of travel and Doctors)

Gamma Knife Surgery

I got a call about 10:00 yesterday from my radiologist. He said our doctor in Seattle had an opening the next day and would like to see us. I said ok, we can do it. So today Brett and I are going to the University of Washington hospital to meet and talk with our new doctor before the actual procedure. We'll know more when we get back, like the date and time of the procedure.

Mom is with the kids and my lesson plans are on my desk. Weee! This adventure just continues.

Looking up,

Monday, March 2, 2009

Vacation in a Word...Laughter

We laughed and had fun around every corner on vacation. We all enjoyed the rides and each other. We enjoyed meeting friends who happened to be there at the same time too. We enjoyed just getting out and being free. We didn't worry about anything and just enjoyed each moment.
The weather was a sweet taste of what is coming our way. The kids didn't want to leave. Bryce wondered if we could just live there. Isn't that any kids dream?...and some of us adults too.

It is nice to be home though. Today we went to see my doctors. We have our next steps beginning tomorrow with oral chemotherapy. Later I'll receive a call from a doctor at the University of Washington hospital to find out when we go over for the Gammaknife procedure. The procedure should only take one day. I'll probably take one or two days off extra just because they said I'd be pretty tired. (I've just got to keep up with my kinders!) The side effects could be a black eye or two but we can handle that for now. Some good make-up foundation should take care of most of that, or I could just come up with some outlandish, creative story...hmmmm. (We could have some fun with this one!)

We have so much to be thankful for: family, friends, great doctors who work together, a big, caring God and so much more. Brett and I feel so blessed to have such a great supportive team. Thank you for walking along this journey with us. Thank you for praying. I believe God hears each of those prayers.

Looking up,
