We started radiation on Monday. Today is Thursday and my doctor decided to prescribe an oral chemo therapy to go with my radiation. It is a drug in stage II trials. The reason we didn't start it immediately is because she was really investigating it before she gave it to me. Both Brett and I appreciate her research on such matters. Basically, they, my Oncologist and Radiologist believe it has the potential to help in the healing process more than hurt anything. That is a good thing. We will be on the chemo and radiation schedule for 4 weeks. At that point we will reevaluate with scans and see where we go from there. The next steps will depend on the outcome of the scans. We may be looking at 6 more months of chemo, we may not... I'm not worried about that right now.
For now the kids homework is done, costumes are set out, juice is ready for each of their classes and they're ready for Halloween! We will be doing a little trick-or-treating and going to my brothers for a party. We are looking forward to it.
Today I went back to work for half a day. I must say I have the most supportive staff in the world. I just love them. The day was wonderful. My kinder kids are doing great and ready to help their sub, Mrs. Charlton, get through the day...just ask them! They are a sweet, busy group and eager to learn. I'm hoping to teach half days as much as I can for the next four weeks. I figure, if I'm able, why not? It helps give continuity to my children knowing mommy is at school and the kids in my class too. It helps me keep a healthier perspective on life too. Isn't it great that life isn't all about me! When you're with kinders, life is honestly about them and that's wonderful.
Thank you for your continued prayers. This may be a battle, but we are ready to fight. Thank you for praying and believing with us.
Looking up,
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Round Two...Let's Go!
Well, today we went down and met with our radiation doctor. He showed us scans of my head sliced in several ways. We saw 3 large spots and several smaller ones on my head. No wonder I felt dizzy a couple of times and a few tingles on my head at times this weekend. It just amazes me I didn't feel the tingles or any unstableness earlier. I wonder if the steroids made the swelling go down just enough for me to feel it now. I do know I am in God's hands and on a good road.
Today the docs made a mask for me...just in time for Halloween too! The mask actually serves a purpose. It is a mesh that was put over my face..."like a the spa" the nurse said. But then is got cold and hard. (If I were at the spa I'd expect another warm towel!) Anyway, I will wear the mask each time when I get radiation. It keeps my head in one place as they fasten it to the head rest that I'm on when I get radiation. It's not that bad. You just get to close your eyes, relax and go snowmobiling, for a walk or shopping in your head. See, it can be a pleasant thing. That's the choice part of it all.
We have hope. Are there any guarantees? No, but we have hope. We serve a big God and are also encouraged that there are options for treatment. We believe that it is our responsibility to hit this with all the common sense, medication and prayer possible.
We immensely appreciate the love and support from all of our friends and family. We love you all. I am continually blown away by all the love. In fact, tonight we came home to about 30 lit pumpkins in our driveway to welcome up home! We LOVED it!!! We are amazed at how so many are willing to hold us up as we walk through this. We are humbly thankful.
(Hope this makes sense...after being radiated today I'm wondering just how coherent I sound.)
We are looking up and praying for another miracle.
Sheri & Brett
Today the docs made a mask for me...just in time for Halloween too! The mask actually serves a purpose. It is a mesh that was put over my face..."like a the spa" the nurse said. But then is got cold and hard. (If I were at the spa I'd expect another warm towel!) Anyway, I will wear the mask each time when I get radiation. It keeps my head in one place as they fasten it to the head rest that I'm on when I get radiation. It's not that bad. You just get to close your eyes, relax and go snowmobiling, for a walk or shopping in your head. See, it can be a pleasant thing. That's the choice part of it all.
We have hope. Are there any guarantees? No, but we have hope. We serve a big God and are also encouraged that there are options for treatment. We believe that it is our responsibility to hit this with all the common sense, medication and prayer possible.
We immensely appreciate the love and support from all of our friends and family. We love you all. I am continually blown away by all the love. In fact, tonight we came home to about 30 lit pumpkins in our driveway to welcome up home! We LOVED it!!! We are amazed at how so many are willing to hold us up as we walk through this. We are humbly thankful.
(Hope this makes sense...after being radiated today I'm wondering just how coherent I sound.)
We are looking up and praying for another miracle.
Sheri & Brett
Saturday, October 25, 2008
What Happened?
Well, I thought I'd fill you in on what little I know. Thursday my principal walked into our room, that's nothing new, but Brett was right behind her. That was something new. I could tell by the look on his face that something was wrong. He just said "We need to go." I honestly thought something was wrong with his mom. So I showed Heather what we were doing for the next 30 minutes before my kids went to Specialists. Yes, it was towards the end of the day. I grabbed my coat and purse. Then as Brett and I walked home hand in hand he told me that my doctor had called him and told him the cancer had moved to my brain. There were several spots and it was inoperable. We were both in shock...feeling quite numb.
Brett was at his mom's house making her a milk shake when he got the call. He said he looked down and saw water drops on the counter and realized that they were beads of sweat. He was white as a sheet. His mom asked what was wrong and he told her. He just said "I have to go home." He came and got me and now we are on a new adventure.
We are doing better emotionally now and ready to do what we need to. I did ask my doctor about possible seizures and she said the tumors aren't located where they should cause a seizure, but she didn't think I should be driving with the kids in the car alone. That made it easy. I won't be driving at all until next Wednesday when she thought it would be ok. I don't want to put anyone at risk at all.
At this point I'm on steroids to shrink swelling in my brain. I will begin radiation on Monday and be on it for three weeks. After radiation on Monday, I will meet with my doctor and hopefully get the next steps set up. I'm guessing there will be chemo and a PET scan, but we will be more definitive after we talk to her. The steroids make it a little hard to sleep, but some non addictive sleeping medication took care of that last night. Yeah! That felt good.
We are hoping, praying and believing. Yes, God is in control and we will trust him no matter what. Thank you all for the words of encouragement to my kids, husband and me. They mean so much. Thank you also for the prayers. God hears them and answers prayer. I still hope he answers them with healing. He is capable.
Looking up always,
Brett was at his mom's house making her a milk shake when he got the call. He said he looked down and saw water drops on the counter and realized that they were beads of sweat. He was white as a sheet. His mom asked what was wrong and he told her. He just said "I have to go home." He came and got me and now we are on a new adventure.
We are doing better emotionally now and ready to do what we need to. I did ask my doctor about possible seizures and she said the tumors aren't located where they should cause a seizure, but she didn't think I should be driving with the kids in the car alone. That made it easy. I won't be driving at all until next Wednesday when she thought it would be ok. I don't want to put anyone at risk at all.
At this point I'm on steroids to shrink swelling in my brain. I will begin radiation on Monday and be on it for three weeks. After radiation on Monday, I will meet with my doctor and hopefully get the next steps set up. I'm guessing there will be chemo and a PET scan, but we will be more definitive after we talk to her. The steroids make it a little hard to sleep, but some non addictive sleeping medication took care of that last night. Yeah! That felt good.
We are hoping, praying and believing. Yes, God is in control and we will trust him no matter what. Thank you all for the words of encouragement to my kids, husband and me. They mean so much. Thank you also for the prayers. God hears them and answers prayer. I still hope he answers them with healing. He is capable.
Looking up always,
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Battle is On!
Ok, we got bad news from our doctor today. The cancer has spread to my brain and is in at least 12 spots. Therefore it's inoperable. I will begin radiation on Monday.
The good news is God is still on His throne and we are in His hands. I'm also feeling well right now.
Please pray.
Looking up,
Sheri & Brett
The good news is God is still on His throne and we are in His hands. I'm also feeling well right now.
Please pray.
Looking up,
Sheri & Brett
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Celebrating Life!
Every day is a gift from God. That has become very clear the last year. Thanks for celebrating with us last Saturday! We walked (and ran) the Chelan Chase. We ran just to keep up with the kids! Once again they were a great inspiration. It was a super family celebration of all we can do to help others. Last year I focused on trying to get better, and by God's grace, we did. There were points last winter that I wondered if I would have the strength to go for a 6K race this fall. Three miles seemed forever. So when we finished it felt great! We were happy, exhausted (just mommy and daddy) and thankful to be together. I think we will be doing the Chelan Chase for many years to come as a family.
Thanks for all of your prayers over the past year. Thanks also to so many of you who donated financially to the Chase. We raised $4,355.00. (Yes, my number is different than Brett's because more money has come in that we will donate.)
I think my biggest Ah, Ha moment came when survivors expressed how long they have been thriving. It has seemed forever to me since we stopped chemo. It took me back when I realized it has only been 5 months! No wonder I'm tired and a little numb by the time Friday comes! My doctor said it takes a year to get your full strength back. I'd say we're doing great, but I do need to find a little more time to relax in the midst of a busy mommy schedule. Life is wonderful!
We are continuing to pray for Sharon. Hopefully she will return home from the hospital next week. We pray for strength and healing. She is a wheel chair now. She doesn't feel the pain she used to because she doesn't have any feeling in her legs or hips.
We continue to do our best to look up.
God bless!
Thanks for all of your prayers over the past year. Thanks also to so many of you who donated financially to the Chase. We raised $4,355.00. (Yes, my number is different than Brett's because more money has come in that we will donate.)
I think my biggest Ah, Ha moment came when survivors expressed how long they have been thriving. It has seemed forever to me since we stopped chemo. It took me back when I realized it has only been 5 months! No wonder I'm tired and a little numb by the time Friday comes! My doctor said it takes a year to get your full strength back. I'd say we're doing great, but I do need to find a little more time to relax in the midst of a busy mommy schedule. Life is wonderful!
We are continuing to pray for Sharon. Hopefully she will return home from the hospital next week. We pray for strength and healing. She is a wheel chair now. She doesn't feel the pain she used to because she doesn't have any feeling in her legs or hips.
We continue to do our best to look up.
God bless!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Champion for a day!
Well the results are in, the walk for Breast Cancer, the Chelan Chase is done. With all your help Sheri raised $4,335.00! She was the top fund raiser this year! Bryce was the second place runner in the 6-8 year old division, and Alyssa won a pink leather purse in the drawing. They were both very excited. It was fun to walk with Sheri as a SURVIVOR. This too is part of our celebration, thank you to all who have shared in the journey with us, we appreciate the support, prayers and kind words. Sheri goes in this next week for some update scans she has every three months now. She continues her every three week Herseptin treatments as well. School, work, soccer, life are very busy, but it's good to stop on days like today and remember and celebrate where we've been and where we're going. I think we've started a new family tradition this year with the Cancer walk. We'll be back next year! Looking Up!
Brett and Sheri, Bryce and Alyssa
Brett and Sheri, Bryce and Alyssa
Friday, October 10, 2008
There's still time to help Sheri........
We are doing well in the support we are getting for the Chelan Chase Breast Cancer walk. It's not to late to still help out though! e-mail us or stop by the lumber yard and come back to my office. The walk is this next Saturday and Sheri, Bryce, Alyssa, and I are walking for cancer. This weekend is full of soccer games, fall projects, and going to see Mom in Wenatchee. We'll keep the updates coming.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Mom update........a CHALLENGE!!!
Many of you have asked how my Mom is doing. She's been in the Wenatchee Valley Clinic Hospital for about 2 weeks now. She has lost feeling in her legs, so she is bound to a wheelchair. Mentally she's doing well, working from the hospital with her lap top and phone. She's battling, keep her in your prayers.

On October 18th Sheri, Alyssa, Bryce, and I are walking in the Chelan Chase Breast Cancer Walk. Anyone who would like to join us is invited to participate. This is the first event like this we've been able to participate in since Sheri diagnosis last November, and clear scans in May. It is a fund raiser for Breast Cancer research and Local Mammogram programs. I thought it would be cool if Sheri were the top individual fund raiser this year! I'm not used to asking for donations, I'm usually getting asked for them at the lumberyard. Yes, Lake Chelan Building Supply is a major sponsor of the Chelan Chase, so I put my money where my mouth is. If you are interested in donating to Sheri, you can contact us via an e mail or phone 509-687-6344 or my cell 509-387-6069. If you are interested in walking with us check out http://www.chelanchase.com/ I'll keep you informed as to the progress of the donations. This will be Sheri's first time to walk as a SURVIVOR! That she is...
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